Thursday, February 28, 2013

TEAM BIO - unofficial

Our journey hasn't even begun and we've already started to bicker.  The application process should be the easiest part, but when it came time to write the 70 word bio - shit hit the fan.  70 words seems like a lot but it really isn't  You've got to be concise; Kevin draaaaaaaws things out - even in speech, as you can see in the video.  Cue 1:33 you can see Lisa's impatience ... *spit it out Kev!!*.  But at any rate, this is the jist of what we came up with to showcase our dynamic, our strengths, and our weaknesses.

"We've known eachother for six years, having lived together and dated for 4.  Often a ying to the others yang, we seem to balance one another out.  During this competition, Kevin will probably do the navigating as Lisa is constantly disoriented.  Lisa will solve difficult problems with Kevin's patience and mental capacity can't be of contribution.  Though stubborn and agrumentative, love and respect will trump any conflict. We. Are. Glorious."

Keep your fingers crossed!!! And - as always - thanks so much for the continued support!

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